
The program generator makes it easy to plan out months worth of workouts based on your personal parameters. You choose the number of starting and ending reps, sets and weight—the generator does the rest.


The blank slate

Build your own program from scratch. Warning this is complex if you haven't used this tool before, using one of the template below to get started is recommended.

Kettlebell swings

EMOM (every minute on the minute) timing, each set is 60 seconds with reps starting at the beginning of each 60 second interval. Volume cycles starting at 8 sets of 8 and progressing to 12 sets of 12.

Default weights are 16kg, 18kg, 20kg.

Kettlebell clean & press

Volume cycles starting at 3 sets of 3,2,1 ladders and progressing to 5 sets of 5,4,3,2,1.

Default weights are 12kg, 14kg, 16kg.

2 Handed Club Basis of Strength

7 Levels of complexity, each level repeated 6 times. 30 sec work / 30 sec rest timing protocol.

Default weights are 15lb, 17.5lb, 20lb.

Continuous Mace 360

Mace 360 time under tension program, starting at 4 minutes and working up to 10 minutes.

Default weights are 10lb, 12.5lb, 15lb.

Slamball Program

5 levels of complexity, each level repeated 6 times. 30 sec work / 30 sec rest timing protocol.

Default weights are 10lb, 15lb, 20lb.